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Airin's Notes

Category: Windows 🠪 Adjustments
Windows Recovery - Enable and Disable
January 12, 2024

Check if Windows RE is enabled or not:
reagentc /info

reagentc /disable

reagentc /enable

Recreate Windows RE Partition and make it a bit larger:
Run diskpart.
Run list disk to get a list of all hard disks connected to the computer.
To select the operating system disk, run the command sel disk . Replace >OS disk index" with the harddisk value.
List all partitions by running list part. Check for the primary partition there. It is usually the largest.
Select the (primary) operating system partition with the command sel part .
Run shrink desired=250 minimum=250. This shrinks the operating system partition by 250 MB.
Run sel part to select the recovery partition. Use the partition number that you got when you ran the first command at the top.
Delete the partition by running delete partition override.
Type list disk again and check if there is an asterisk character (*) in the GPT column of the drive.
If the disk with Windows on it is GPT, run the following commands:
create partition primary id=de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac
gpt attributes =0x8000000000000001
If the disk is MBR, run the following command:
create partition primary id=27
To format the partition, run the command format quick fs=ntfs label="Windows RE tools".
Run the command list vol to verify that the Recovery Partition is available again.
Type exit to exit diskpart.
Run reagentc /enable to enable the recovery environment again.
Make sure that this is the case by running reagentc /info.

Keywords: Windows PE

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